The Twilight Saga:Elipse My rewiew- Actually the twilight saga series is not my cup of tea...But what i can say this movie is average..i would give 4/10
-Twelve-year-old Dre Parker could've been the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother's latest career move has landed him in China. Dre immediately falls for his classmate Mei Ying -- and the feeling is mutual -- but cultural differences make such a friendship impossible. Even worse, Dre's feelings make an enemy of the class bully, and kung fu prodigy, Cheng. With no friends in a strange land, Dre has nowhere to turn but maintenance man Mr. Han, who is secretly a master of kung fu. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realizes that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life.
# Cast: Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han, Rongguang Yu # Director: Harald Zwart # Genres: Drama, Coming-of-Age, Sports Drama Runtime:2 hr. 20 min.
KNIGHT AND DAY... Nice movie....Starring Tom Cruise And Cameron Diaz..... My review:8/10 For me it is a very interesting movie.....
The film went through a period of "development hell"; which included a prior film director and multiple writers that worked on the script. Producers for Knight and Day went through multiple other actors for the lead roles before eventually settling on Cruise and Diaz. Adam Sandler, Chris Tucker, and Gerard Butler were considered by the film's producers for the male lead that later went to Cruise, and Eva Mendes was initially set for the role that Diaz later portrayed in the movie.
Knight and Day follows the adventures of Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) - whose real surname is Knight - and June Havens (Cameron Diaz). After literally bumping into Miller twice at the airport on the way home from Wichita to pick up car parts, Havens is told she has been bumped to a later flight. Meanwhile, Agent Fitzgerald (Peter Saarsgard), believing Havens is working with Miller, puts her back on the plane. Completely taken with Miller, Havens goes to the restroom; and the remaining passengers all attack Miller. Miller kills them all and props the bodies up in their seats. Havens emerges from the restroom, where she has been freshening up in the hopes of a sexual encounter with Miller. Having heard nothing, she is totally unaware of the attack on him. After a forward moment where Havens kisses Miller, he calmly informs her that everyone on the plane is dead, including the pilots. Believing it a joke, Havens plays along until Miler enters the cockpit and the bodies of the passengers begin to shift around the plane. Crashing into a corn field, Miller delivers Havens home after drugging her and explaining that other agents will visit and that, if they constantly repeat that she is being taken somewhere "safe and secure", they are planning to kill or imprison her.
Waking up at home, Havens struggles through a day fitting a bridesmaids dress for her sister April's (Maggie Grace) wedding, and is shocked to learn her sister would like to sell their father's car, which Havens had planned on finishing as a wedding present. Havens is then picked up by a group of intelligence agents. Miller arrives and, through a long gunfight on the highway, kills several agents and reclaims Havens.
Havens flees at the first opportunity and contacts Rodney (Marc Blucas), a firefighter and former boyfriend. Believing Havens is merely stressed and is playing out a fantasy, Rodney tries to comfort her until Miller arrives and kidnaps Havens, handcuffing her and shooting Rodney in a specific non-vital area ,telling him this will all make him a hero and virtually guarantee his promotion to lieutenant.
Miller explains that Havens is safer with him; and Havens agrees to follow him as they go to pick up Simon Feck (Paul Dano), a genius inventor who created a perpetual energy battery called the Zephyr. Miller arrives at his safe house where he left Feck, only to find him gone, and the two are ambushed by men belonging to Antonio (Jordi MollĂ ), a Spanish arms dealer. After Miller again drugs Havens, she drifts in and out of consciousness between their capture and escape from Antonio's men, and Miller brings her to an island that is off the grid, which Miller uses as a safehouse. Accepting a call from her sister after leaving in frustration, Havens accidentally leads the CIA straight to the hideaway. They try to kill Miller and Havens with a remote drone.
Again knocking out Havens, Miller transports them to a train heading through the Alps, which Feck left as a message in code for Miller. Havens, missing a message from Miller, leaves to get dinner and encounters Danny (Rich Manley), a German assassin. Using tricks learned from Miller, Danny is knocked from a window and killed by a train.
Miller, after leaving Havens and Feck in a hotel in Spain, heads to a meeting with a mysterious beautiful woman with whom he is apparently willing to make a deal, and is followed by Havens, who is heartbroken to learn that Miller is apparently planning on selling the Zephyr to Antonio. After being picked up by the CIA and meeting the director of counter-intel, she uses a pen transmitter to notify them when Miller returns with the Zephyr, which is showing signs of overheating. After leading the CIA agents on a chase, Miller is apparently shot and falls into a canal.
Returning home, Havens heads to an address she remembered from Miller's iPhone, where she finds his parents and learns that his real name is Matthew Knight. They believe their son, a former Army sergeant and Eagle Scout, is dead; but they are fabulously wealthy from winning lotteries and sweepstakes they don't remember entering. Leaving a message that she has the Zephyr, she is captured by Antonio's men and taken back to Spain. She is drugged with truth serum before being rescued by Miller, who was tracking Fitzgerald, who was delivering Feck to Antonio.
Chasing Fitzgerald, Miller saves Feck from a bullet wound after handing over the Zephyr in a small satchel. Feck comments that the battery is unstable. The battery explodes, killing Fitzgerald; and Miller collapses from a gunshot wound. After waking in the hospital, Miller receives an apology from the director (Viola Davis), who tells him that Havens has returned home and claims that Miller can't be distracted. Miller is later given medication by a nurse, who turns out to be Havens. After Havens breaks Miller out of the hospital, he awakes as she drives away in the rebuilt GTO that belonged to Havens's father. After Miller asking what day it is, Havens kisses him and says it's someday. This is a reference from the start of the movie that they both have things they want to do someday, and Havens begins to drive towards Cape Horn.
Mutakhir ini kita sering digemparkan dengan kes pembuangan bayi yang kian menular . Kes buang bayi ini seakan-akan telah menjadi satu rutin bagi pihak akhbar-akhbar arus perdana dalam melaporkan kes. Hampir setiap hari kes buang bayi ini terpampang di dada-dada akhbar sehinggakan ianya menjadi satu gejala yang biasa di kalangan masyarakat sekarang. Ini merupakan satu penghinaan kepada bayi yang merupakan sesuatu anugerah dari Tuhan. Kes-kes ini makin hari menjadi semakin kejam. Pada mulanya dicampak ke hutan, kemudian di tong sampah, longkang sehinggakan ke lubang jamban sekalipun masih ada mereka yang sanggup untuk melakukannya demi mengelak dari suatu tanggungjawab menimpa ke atas mereka yang akhirnya menjadi sesuatu azab bagi mereka yang bergelar bayi. Apa nak jadi ? Saya disini ingin memaparkan secebis gambar pembuangan bayi buat renungan dan pengajaran kita semua. Pesan say kepada remaja diluar sana, elakkan diri daripada terjerumus dalam kancah gejala sosial kerana ANDA dadalah generasi HEBAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya Allah. Betapa dangkal dan tidak berperikemanusian golongan yang sanggup berbuat demikian. Belum sempat bayi melihat keindahan duni, mereka terus dibuang begitu sahaja dan nasib mereka seperti telur di hujung tanduk. Kempen kami prihatin dilihat mampu menjadi jalan terbaik bagi mengatsi gejala ini disamping mengenakan hukuman yang lagi berat kepada pesalah.
Cikgu Alvez menasihatkan kepada anda semua agar menyokong kempen ini dan melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa sekiranya melihat kes ini berlaku.
Untuk filem ini, saya hanya berkesempatan menonton di pawagam. Filem ini amat menarik kerana ia merupakan adaptasi dari sebuah novel yang terkenal pada suatu masa dahulu. Secara keselruhannya saya boleh memberi 5.5/10 untuk filem ini. Jalan ceritanya baik cuma penghayatan perlu lebih lagi. Sountrack untuk filem ini amat baik.
P/s:DOwnload Link kali ni belum ada...(diharap bersabar)
SINOPSIS Kasyah bersama rakan sekumpulannya, Sapi, Man dan Cin Cai merupakan pelajar nakal yang sering membuat onar dan terkenal kerana sering dikenakan tindakan disiplin. Mereka juga melabelkan kumpulan mereka sebagai anti perempuan. Namun, sikap dan kenakalan Kasyah berubah dengan kemunculan pelajar baru, Ayu. Ayu telah benar – benar menambat hati dan perasaan Kasyah, membuat dia jatuh cinta. Ayu mencabar Kasyah untuk berubah dan sebagai syarat untuk dia menerima Kasyah. Episod baru hidup Kasyah pun bermula.
Tiba masanya Kasyah perlu melakukan tugasan kajian tesisnya ke pedalaman. Kasyah berpisah sementara dengan Ayu. Azmi yang pernah mengecewakan Ayu, kini muncul kembali menagih cinta dari Ayu. Azmi hampa bilamana Ayu menolak permintaannya itu. Melalui ibu Ayu, Mak Leha, Azmi merencanakan sesuatu untuk membolehkannya bernikah dengan Ayu. Melalui perancangan Azmi, Mak Leha berpura sakit jantung dan tidak boleh kerisauan. Ayu yang serba salah terpaksa menerima Azmi dalam hidupnya, kerana bimbangkan keadaan ibunya. Ayu berkahwin dengan Azmi. Kasyah kecewa. Kebahagian yang diharapkan tidak menjelma.
Azmi kembali kepada tabiat lamanya yang pemabuk, panas baran, kaki perempuan dan sering membelasah Ayu. Suatu malam, mereka berdua bergaduh besar. Ayu yang dipukul bertindak melarikan diri dengan kereta. Ketika memandu dalam keadaan trauma dan emosi, Ayu hilang kawalan lalu kemalangan. Ayu cedera parah. Mukanya hancur. Azmi menuntut maaf tapi Ayu sebaliknya menuntu cerai dan minta wajah yang baru. Episod baru hidup Ayu pun bermula. Ayu yang kini berwajah baru tampil sebagai Emilia. Ayu ingin memulakan hidup baru dan melupakan episod dukanya.
Ayu / Emilia, menubuhkan syarikat melalui wang simpanan dan pampas an dari Azmi. Melalui kawannya, Suzana, Kasyah dijejaki dan dipelawa untuk bekerja dengan syarikat Emilia. Kasyah yang pada mulanya tidak menyangka apa – apa, mula mengesyaki sesuatu setelah baru bekerja. Melalui Suzana juga Kasyah mengetahui segalanya tentang Ayu / Emilia. Hubungan mereka kembali bertaut. Azmi yang sakit hati cuba mengagalkan hubungan itu kembali. Azmi sekali lagi meminta bantuan Mak Leha untuk memujuk Ayu / Emilia. Semasa di rumah Emilia, Azmi telah memukul Emilia dihadapan Mak Leha sehingga milia terjatuh dan tidak sedarkan diri. Emilia cedera parah di kepala dan hilang ingatan. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh Kasyah dan Mak Leha untuk memulihakn ingatan namun belum berhasil. Emilia yang senakin pulih, akhirnya mengahwini Kasyah. Kebahagian yang diharapkan Kasyah tidak kekal lama. Ayu / Emilia meninggal dunia ketika melahirkan anak
Lakonan: Farid Kamil, Lisa Surihani, Que Haidar, Raja Farah, Sheila Mambo Pengarah : Sharad Sharan Syarikat Penerbit : Astro Shaw Sdn. Bhd.
For Toy Story 3, i can only give 7/10. It was a good mowie and yet worth-watching. It can refresh back my memory when i watched Toy Story 2 during my tender age. So, i provided you all with download links...If you have any problem do not hesitate to drop your comment.
Title: Toy Story 3 Release Date: 18 June 2010 Genre: Animation Cast: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, John Ratzenberger, Joan Cusack, Michael Keaton Director: Lee Unkrich Writers: Michael Arndt Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Plot: Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college.
My holidays will be ended soon...When counting the days, OMG!!! Only 7 days LEFT before i am going back to USM...What i can say about my holiday it is a nice holiday, plus with my 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP FEVER that not yet been cured...To all of my buddy that has been reached USM, i hope you guys will spend time wisely....